A 10-page booklet of rules accompanies C2EO. 10 pages of rules ! Although this looks like a lot of rules it is not. The rules are very detailed to make sure every step is well understood and because…frankly…our pharmaceutical genetic set-up is geared towards detailed procedures ! 


C2EO mimics life in a manufacturing plant.

And life in a manufacturing plant is not, really not precisely predictable.

Therefore the rules in C2EO are meant to evolve. 

Evolution will occur in the following way :

1- As you understand the game better and better YOU will create new rules.

2- As you add expansion pack to your basic set, some rules will have to be adjusted.

3- There is a brief mention about the “advanced” rule, using the smile factor…well, this will add a new dimension to the game you will have learned to love.

4- Some rules will not be to your liking. Just modify them ! 

5- Some rules will seem unfair. Change them !

6- Some rules will just pop up in your mind. Write to us and we might add them to the next version.

7-Some rules will appear unclear. Watch the web site for the webinar schedule. You will be able to ask a question “live” during the webinar and we will answer them.

C2EO was created to make learning in a manufacturing plant fun AND profitable.

Your role does not end with playing… you can contribute to the next level of excitement by making the rules evolve

Par François Lavallée, M. Sc.


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