Collective intelligence: connect slowly to learn quickly

Collective intelligence? And what else? Is the learning organization dead?

Connect slowly ... but we want speed, not slowness!

Learn AHA quickly! There we speak!

S.R. Covey said:

"With people, fast is slow and slow is fast."

The basis of a privileged contact is slowness. One can't force intimacy or confidence.

The brain also loves slowness ... when do you learn the best? In front of a computer screen with the boss looking over your shoulder or reading, relaxed, accompanied by a notebook and a good coffee (or lemon peppermint tea)?

And repeatedly! Neuronal connections become stronger with each repetition. Here, the same thing happens to the repeated contact between individuals with common interests, common concerns and solutions to share!

The 70-20-10 principle developed by Charles Jennings makes sense in this context. We learn better by sharing what we have learned and applying it quickly to work.

Although, you need to have a taste for sharing.

You also need an organization that fosters interactions between people who want to share.

Then, you need to let people develop their networks of knowledge...

Finally, we need to let these new people know the possibility of implementing everything ... now, here, right now.

(Important parenthesis: network of "knowledge" as in "knowledge network" but this network is also a network of knowledge as in "personal network" ... knowledge, new knowledge via new personal and professional relationships ... aha !!!

An organization adapted to the volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous context that surrounds us.

An agile organization ...

Aww... these new buzz words !!!

Beyond day-to-day trends, change management strategies, rigid strategic planning and budgetary exercises that become outdated when approved, people in the organization are in contact with the marketplace and their environment. They are in the right position to respond to these changing demands and to share newly acquired information.

You need to have a taste for sharing.

However, you also need an organization that fosters interactions between people who want to share.

Then, you need to let people develop their networks of knowledge...

And finally, we need to leave these new people with the opportunity to put everything into practice ... now, right here ... and the authority to succeed!

A major paradigm shift is needed to create the future's organization.

The learning organization is no more. We are, now, talking about intelligent organization!


1a: the ability to learn or to understand or cope with new situations.

1b: the ability to apply knowledge to influence its environment or to think in an abstract way

2: mental acuity

Is your organization smart?

Does your organization have the ability to respond to new situations and learn from mistakes?

Can your organization apply the new knowledge or do you restrict yourself to applying the procedures?

Do you think conceptually and abstractly or ... just follow the head office guides, government standards, revenue? ....

What if your organization's intelligence was decentralized in every employees?

What should you do to tap into this wealth of knowledge, this untapped wealth?

A brain is only a machine composed of hundreds of billions of neurons that are completely useless if they are not connected. These connections are formed and reformed. These neurons connect and disconnect throughout life. These connections then generate an extraordinary neural network that processes information and stores it all at the same time and nowhere in a specific way that still astonishes scientists.

No neuron has the information. Network is the new master!

Imagine a brain that would prevent its neurons from connecting.

What does your organization do?

Does it promote interactions between people?

Or are they confined in their respective silos?

Is your organization a dysfunctional brain?

Does your organization still suffer from a stroke, a Corporate Vigilance Notice, which restricts and restricts you?

What will you do to reconnect people in your organization?

Collective intelligence: Connect slowly to learn quickly.

S.R. Covey said: "With people, fast is slow and slow is fast." 

Let's read it again...slowly this time

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